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Bach Flower Essences and History of Dr. Bach


The Bach Flower Essences (correctly pronounced Batch) were developed early in the 20th century by Dr. Edward Bach, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., a physician and homeopath, who spent his life searching for the purest methods of healing. Prepared from non-poisonous wild flowers, their purpose is to achieve a balance between the mind, body and spirit, gently correcting the emotional upsets that give rise to physical symptoms or delay recovery from an illness.


Dr. Bach wrote:

"Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between the soul and mind.  It is only symptom of the is our fears, our cares, our anxieties and such like that open the path to the invasion of illness. ...Remove the disharmony, the fear, the terror, or the indecision, and we regain harmony between soul and mind, and the body is once more perfect in all of its parts."

In 1930, Dr. Bach wrote the short book Heal Thyself, with its message that physical disease is the result of being out of line with one's spiritual purpose.  At first rejected by several publishers as being too revolutionary, it was published in 1931 and has remained in print ever since.

The purpose of the essences is to support the patient's fight against illness by assisting in relieving the depression, anxiety, traumas and other emotional factors that might impede physical healing.  They can also be used preventatively, at times of anxiety and stress, and are particularly helpful for the many people who feel generally tired and unwell without a specific medical diagnosis.


Please note that Flower Essences are not intended as a substitute for medical treatment or advice and no medical claims are made for them; should any symptoms persist, you are advised to seek medical treatment from your health care professional.

Flower Essences are vibrational. They are like musical notes, only on a different level. The Right notes can heal and soothe.

This is why they don't interfere with medication and homeopathics.

Quotes from Dr. Bach:

"The main reason for the failure of the modern medical science is that it is dealing with results and not causes. Nothing more than the patching up of those attacked and the burying of those who are slain, without a thought being given to the real strong hold." ~~Dr. Edward Bach


“Five hundred years before Christ some physicians of ancient India, working under the influence of the lord Buddha, advanced the art of healing to so perfect a state that they were able to abolish surgery, although the surgery of their time was as efficient, or more so, than that of the present day.”~~~~~        Dr. Edward Bach

"And may we ever have gratitude in our hearts that the great Creator in all His glory has placed the herbs in the field for our healing." ~ Dr. Edward Bach


“There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness.”  Dr. Edward Bach


On this page, there are sooo many wonderful links for you to chose from, that I couldn't pick just a few. So, I'll let you decide which ones you prefer to indulge won't be disappointed.

Case Study: Bach Flower Remedies for Pain Relief by Manuela Malaguti Boyle(more info) Listed in flower essences, originally published in issue 153 - December 2008 A Critical Analysis investigating therapeutic value beyond the placebo effect of Bach Flower Remedies as a pain relief method. The purpose of the study on possible therapeutic and psychological value of Bach flower remedies in pain relief was conducted at the Bach Centre, Mount Vernon, Sotwell, Oxon, United Kingdom between 1 January 2000 and 31 October 2005. The case studies include 398 studies of which 384 were given consent to be examined. The subjects that formed the case studies were divided into two groups: those presenting physical symptoms, and those presenting emotional or psychological need for treatment. About 78% of the case studies presented with mental, psychological or emotional problems, whilst only 23% showed a physical condition as their primary concern. Only half of this group was experiencing physical pain. Of these, most revealed emotional or psychological issues. The conclusion is that almost all of the subjects with pain have emotional distress. The results are clinically significant, as of the 384 cases studied, 88% felt better emotionally. The experience of pain is unique, subjective and reliant on the individual's perception of their own pain. Melzack and Wall's (1982) definition of pain perception means that pain involves more than just the physical effect, but also psychological and social factors. This perception varies greatly amongst patients. In adhering to naturopathic principles, the patient as a whole needs to be treated. Physical signs and symptoms also need to be addressed. By supporting the body and not only the mind, a far more effective treatment can be given for painful conditions. Support on an emotional level may need to extend to counseling or psychotherapy. A clinical psychologist is usually the best choice of therapist for helping the patient carry out an adequate cognitive assessment (Rao, 1990). It is a fact that a positive relationship between a therapist and the patient inspires, motivates and leads to increased self-esteem, self-management and involvement in pain management. A client-centered practice is characterized by partnership and cooperation that respects the patient's pain (Wall, 1999). Although the mind-body therapy is effective, and the changes and improvements in a patient's condition can be remarkable, there was no information, however, regarding the limitations of the Bach remedies. Moreover, claims for efficacy of Bach flower treatment beyond the placebo effect are unsupported by scientific and clinical studies. While advocates point to results reported in high-impact journals as evidence for its efficacy, the number of such high-quality studies is small, the conclusions are not definitive, and duplication of the results, a key test of scientific validity, has proven problematic at best. According to Walsh and Radcliffe, psychological pain management programme, delivered within a multidisciplinary team, results in significant benefits. Relaxation and distraction are part of such programmes. Directing attention away from pain by concentrating on the environment, mental problem-solving or other internally generated images, increase feelings of control over pain. Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis can assist in implementing this method. A large population survey conducted on middle-aged pain sufferers (Rajala et al., 1994) had found that depression was more common amongst the depressed than the non-depressed population. Pain intensity significantly influences perception and life control. There is evidence that effective treatment of depression may also slow the progress of pain in these patients, as a reduction in the symptoms of depression was accompanied by a reduction in levels of interferon gamma (Tyrer et al. 1989). The Bach remedies were identified by Dr Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath. The sun method involves floating flower heads in a clear glass bowl filled with natural spring water. This is left in bright sunlight for three hours, then the flower heads are removed and the energized water is mixed half and half with brandy. The boiling method involves putting flowering twigs into a pan of spring water and boiling them for half-an-hour. The pan is then left to cool, the plant matter removed, and again the water is mixed half and half with brandy. In both cases the resulting mix is known as mother tincture. This is diluted at the rate of two drops per 30mls of brandy to make the stock bottles sold in the shops. Bach stated that the mode of action of the remedies then is to integrate the person to become a whole being, the body, mind and soul working as one to fulfil the destiny for which the person was created. Bach flower remedies consist of 38 remedies that are designed as a system of motional healing. Remedies are dispensed in homeopathic dosages, are safe and do not appear to interfere with any other medication. The study does not mention that the Bach Centre by its own admission has never set up experiments, and that there is no documentation available. Therapists at the Bach Centre in Oxon do not see it as their role to 'prove' that the remedies work; instead they simply demonstrate how to use them and let people prove the effect on themselves. To this day, there is no available literature referring to Bach flower remedies and pain management. In order to address the therapeutic efficacy of Bach flower remedies, and by their own admission, researchers in the field need to examine more quantitative comparative placebo-controlled analysis.

All of my custom Flower Essences come in 1/2, 1, and 2 ounce bottles. Prices vary depending on what size  bottle and how many essences more than the standard two, are in each bottle.

For example, the standard custom (2 remedies I have chosen) bottles are $20 for 1/2 oz, $35 for the 1 oz, and $65. for the 2oz. With these you can choose additional remedies to make it truly custom for your own needs.

Each additional remedy is $1.25, up to 4 remedies.

Flower Essences work like an emotional onion. The top layer of negative emotions is removed because it is the most recent, then the next layer, and the next. The Flower Essences work gently but effectively. They do not interfere with any medications you may be taking nor are there any side effects.

Contact me for special pricing for 501(3)(c) rescue organizations.

          For All The Animals is a special blend I designed for animals of all kinds in trauma situations.

The following are some of my custom formulas:

   Warrior's Emotional Pain

   Confusion and Irritability

   Breaking Habits and Addiction

   Irritable, Can't Focus or Follow Directions

   Grief: Death, Divorce, Loss of Home/Family

   Long Term Sadness and Despair


   Comfy Sleep

Dropper Bottle



Candy Marshall
Health YOU Deserve
PO Box 454
Plantersville, TX 77363

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